Reprints, E-prints & Permissions

Reprints Unlimited is an independent, dedicated third-party reprints supplier. We work with all medical publishers. All peer-reviewed published material is protected by copyright

We will help ensure that you are using copyrighted materials in a legal manner. Translating, copying, printing, creating derivative works or distributing the content of a paper without obtaining the correct licence is illegal and deprives the copyright holder of their rights to commercialisation.

Our local offices understand the needs and legal requirements for reprints and e-prints. We will help ensure that everything is adapted to the local regulatory environment.


Reprints Unlimited is the best one-stop shop for your global reprint purchasing and can also arrange global purchase with multiple (and local) delivery and invoicing to reduce the costs, spoilage, delays and risk of non-delivery resulting from customs and shipping, as well as your company’s carbon footprint! Why ship when you can produce locally?


We deliver electronic prints (e-prints) to support your communication plans. Links for emails, landing pages, data capture forms. We team is ready to support all your electronic needs.


Our team of permissions professionals help you navigate the different copyright licences and ensure that you are using all the materials in a copyright compliant, legal manner.


We hold exclusive reprint rights to over 1900 journals in many languages from many publishers These include:

  • Alphamed Press
  • American College of Physicians
  • American Psychiatric Association
  • American Society of Microbiology
  • American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
  • Biophama Medical Multimedia (BMM)
  • British Medical Association
  • British Journal of Cardiology
  • Dustri Verlag
  • Endocrine Society
  • Frontline Medical Communications
  • Future Medicine
  • Future Science
  • Haymarket
  • Informa Healthcare (Current Medical Research & Opinion, Expert Opinion, Scandinavian University Journal Series)
  • IOS Press
  • Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Publishing Co
  • Just Medical
  • Karger
  • Mary Ann Liebert
  • New England Journal of Medicine (Massachusetts Medical Society)
  • Quadrant
  • Schattauer
  • SEEd
  • Sherborne Gibbs
  • Taylor & Francis
  • Therapeutic Solutions
  • Thieme
  • United Business Media
  • Verduci

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